Tor wasn't really cooperating here, hence the straight face! He actually can smile. But here are the latest photos.
After three weeks, our biggest concern was weight loss. He claimed to weigh in at 120 (!!) which would have been 15 pounds down from pre-surgery. But a week later he was at 127, and now he's up to 128... so we're hoping for him to gain it all back--and more, if possible!
After three weeks, he was able to have pasta with meat sauce, which was a real improvement over mashed potatoes and gravy. And he's been able to cut back on the peanut butter milkshakes, although those are still a good idea for weight gain.
We're hopeful that we're now on the final trek to complete recovery. Tor is supposed to do some physical therapy to stretch his jaw. I'm afraid he's not as consistent about it as we'd like. But he's back at school and the workload is building--as well as the pressure to get college applications started. So there's a lot on his plate!