Tor is playing on his XBox, still blissfully unconcerned about what will happen on Tuesday. His parents, meanwhile have started losing sleep! It's a big thing to sign off on a form that lets a doctor cut into your son's jaw bones. But we've done it. Why? To open his airway in hopes that Tor's energy level will be more like that of other teens; that he will find it easier to study and learn; that he'll feel he can remember what he studied the day before a test (he currently says that sometimes it's just "gone"); and that, unlike his paternal grandfather (Ron) and maternal uncle (Buzz) he won't spend most of his later years napping; and that he won't need a CPAP machine to have a good night's sleep for the rest of his life. There are also the orthodontic/cosmetic issues that suggest this is the way to go: to bring his jaw into alignment with his face (he now has a receding chin).
So we're proceeding with this surgery on Tuesday, July 26, 2011 at 7:30 a..m.. And we've got a good Doctor: Schendel, associated both with Stanford and with the California Sleep Institute.
Here's a before photo of Tor. I'll post after photos later!
I wish you all well!